Storybook Character Parade

Our annual storybook character parade will take place on Thursday, October 31st.  Students will arrive to school in their character costume. Weather permitting, families have been invited to attend the parade and cheer on student participants. If it rains, the parade will be moved indoors to the gym and held without visitors. 

The West Point Middle School band will be providing music for the event! A special thanks to their director/teacher Megan Reifenberg. 

Also, sign templates can be used to decorate the sign students will carry during the storybook character parade. The templates allow students to identify their storybook character and information about that character. Teachers have the option to select the template that works best for your grade level.

Curricular Tie-in: Benchmark Unit 2 Character

K     Every story has characters - How are characters different?

1     Many kinds of characters - How do we learn about characters?

2     Characters facing challenges - What can we learn when we face problems?

3     Ways characters shape stories - How do our actions influence our lives?

4     Characters’ actions and reactions - How do we reveal ourselves to others?

5     Developing characters’ relationships - Why do we value certain qualities in people?

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Christina Leon, Informational Specialist at

Point of Contact

Christina Leon

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Thu, Oct 31 2024, All day
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