Bulldog Blast October

Second Edition
October 22, 2024

Greetings, Bulldog Families!  Please see important information and dates below.

The crosswalks have been repainted for sharper visibility.  Please use them accordingly.  Our MP’s would like to remind you to be mindful of safety when walking to and from school with your children.  They have seen children getting ahead of their parents and stepping into the street. 

Kickoff to Character Counts starts next week! Teachers will introduce each of the six pillars during your child’s morning meeting. Throughout the school year, the counselors will visit the classrooms to elaborate on each pillar of character while engaging in discussion questions.  

image of 4 circles
Splash of colorful paint.

Art News - Mrs. Karri Boyer

Please see the details for the ongoing art contest to see how your child may participate.  Each year, students enjoy the critical thinking skills and chance to express creativity through their artwork. Visit this digital art show!

Featured Pages


5th grade students that participate in the Morning News club, will report on birthdays, current events, and other news items important to West Point Elementary School. Students will work as a team to serve as news anchors and behind the scenes crew....

Meets on: Thursday

4th grade students in the quilting club will independently hand sew a lap size quilt. During the quilting club session, students learn to design, sew, measure, cut and hand finish a small quilt of their very own. The young quilters learn to use a var...

Meets on: Thursday

During this time, students will bring meet in the Flex Lab to build and code Lego Sprite robots. Local competition will take place with the West Point Middle School Robotics Club and with other DoDEA schools virtually. Space is limited.

Meets on: Tuesday

During this time, students will bring their homework and/or other work and receive instructional support. Space is limited. 

Meets on: Tuesday, Thursday

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School Hours

Grade Regular Hours
PK - 5 8:20 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  • All students must be in their classrooms by the tardy bell to be counted present.
  • Students arriving ten minutes past the start time are counted tardy.
  • Notify the school no later than 8:15 a.m. at WPES.Attendance@dodea.edu if a student will be tardy or absent.
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